Product Management Coach
Jim coaches Product Management organizations in startups, scale ups and Fortune 100s. He's a Silicon Valley entrepreneur with over two decades of experience including an IPO ($450 million) and a buyout ($168 million). These days, he coaches Product leaders and teams to find product-market fit and accelerate growth across a variety of industries and business models. Jim graduated from Stanford University with a BS in Computer Science and currently lectures at UC Berkeley in Product Management.
Conducting Product Discovery
Jim Morris coaches Product Management organizations in startups, scale ups and Fortune 100s. He's a Silicon Valley entrepreneur with over two decades of experience including an IPO ($450 million) and a buyout ($168 million). In this guide he explains how to use product discovery to test for value, viability, feasibility, and usability continuously, to minimize waste of precious development resources.
Areas of Expertise
Design Sprints A sprint is a valuable and repeatable way to jump-start or learn discovery techniques, and Jim is a seasoned sprint facilitator.
Rapid Prototyping Jim can help teams get feedback from users sooner by coaching them to build quick, “realistic enough” prototypes that gauge true user interest. Companies take on unnecessary risk by building pixel-perfect designs without first getting customer reactions.
Product Discovery Jim can help companies with cohort-based hands-on discovery workshops. He facilitates workshops to help businesses to identify the promoters and inhibitors for continuous Product Discovery, create new ideas, explore problems and opportunities with the product, and ultimately optimize the product development process from start to finish and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Success Metrics & OKRs Jim can help companies with a cohort-based hands-on analytics workshop. He can help companies break down large company goals into actionable team sub-goals, create leading indicator metrics that give teams earlier awareness than the more common lagging indicators and ultimately devise well-written metrics that connect to company goals can guide team decisions, identify root causes of problems, and surface investment opportunities.
Customer Interviewing Jim can provide companies with hands-on customer interviewing workshops. He can advise companies on how to use an interview to extract a user’s true needs and feelings (rather than what they want to tell you). He can help companies find and recruit users from a variety of sources, choose an interview technique, move from collecting opinions to gauging demand, avoid asking biased questions, analyze the results of qualitative interviewing, and make decisions based on user feedback.
Designing Experiments Jim can help companies design experiments that weed out bad product ideas and highlight good ones. He can advise companies on narrowing the solution space, unleashing creativity, designing effective experiments, sketching solutions, expanding into multiple options, and designing for feedback.
Data Analytics and Product Ops Jim can advise on optimizing the management of data analytics within the organization, from basic data visualization tools to advanced techniques like machine learning and data science engineering. He can help companies product leaders and analysts co-create a set of product success metrics to be regularly collected and analyzed (e.g. usage, adoption) that align with broader organizational success.